Saturday, November 7, 2009
Just A Thought
Friday, October 16, 2009
Can You Help?
If you find yourself with a free moment in your day, please lift your hearts and voices up in prayer for this family.
God Bless and Good Night

I'M REAL!! I know it was getting to the point of seeming like I wasn't even a real person cause I NEVER have photos on here, well today I was able to give you a little treat by getting this one posted.
I am not going to insult your intelligence by insinuating that I am a wise person, but I do have a wise piece of advice to pass along. I know that you probably get tired of hearing this people but smile. I am not by any means trying to push that "smile and the world smiles with you" crap because thats what it is, crap. Just because you smile the whole world is not going to be peachy keen, there have been plenty of times that I have smiled at people who have in turn just cussed me out. If they are smiling along with me then they have an odd smile. I don't walk around grumpy but I do save my best smiles for the people that I know its going to help. I see people who look like they have had a hard time, for example:
Smile at the mothers who are struggling to find the quarter to buy their child some candy.
Smile at the old man who makes himself get out of bed everyday to go to the mall just so that he has something to do.
Do you see that woman or child with bruises?
Smile, just smile so hard your cheeks hurt. I cannot emphasize how much the fact that you acknowledged them will mean. As humans beings we forget a lot of the time the power we actually have, I mean we have the ability to change someones day for the better or worse. Why in the world aren't we changing more peoples day for the better? You have so much more power than you will ever recognize and I wish I had the ability to make you realize how special each and everyone of you are.
We are getting really close to holiday season. I just ask that when you see someone that you would normally walk by and ignore please just say smile, say hi. That would be the best gift ever.
Give the gift of acknowledgment.
Sorry for rambling
Good night and may God continue to bless.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Like They Were The Only Ones There
God Bless
Friday, October 9, 2009
I want to be someone that sees someone in need and wants to help them instead of thinking, "oh if I buy that man food he is just going to be insulted."
I want to be that person that is able to open my heart to what the Lord is saying instead of slamming it shut scared.
I want to be that person that I feel like I used to be.
I want to be a good christian and an example to all around me.
So I am going to change my outlook.
When you see me I will smile, I hope you smile back.
If there is anything I can do to help someone I will do it.
I am going to stop being so selfish, I need to remember that God will always provide.
I am trying and thats all I can do.
God Bless and good night
Monday, September 28, 2009
A Real Smorgasbord
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
So...tomorrow I am going to meet with an admissions counselor about going to beauty school. Pray for me!!!!!
God Bless
Friday, September 4, 2009
This Is My Plea
Any and all suggestions will be appreciated.
Obviously Jade I know you are going to be the only one to reply so you better come out with the big guns haha.
God Bless
Sunday, August 30, 2009
30 Day Challenge

I have been wanting this game for so long and John got it for me yesterday! I immediately hooked it up and made my fitness profile. Of course I didn't take time to read the book to see what any of this meant so when it said take 30 day challenge I was like "sure, sign me up." Ohnononononono. Yesterday I worked out for 22 minutes and I burnt 164.7 calories. Today I worked out for 30 minutes and burnt 217.4, I have never been pushed so hard in my life and strangely I LOVE IT. I strongly recommend this game to anyone who is trying to lose weight. You just have to curb your desire to pause it when it gets hard :)
God Bless
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Changes...Part Two
John and I have both been on the hunt for jobs. We have each applied at about four places and I am just praying that someone calls. The hard part is that we actually have a job in Indiana and we went up this week to check the town out and it just didn't feel right. I sat up all last night and just prayed about our situation and I just didn't feel comfortable moving there. I really love living in Louisville and I am hoping with everything in me that we will be able to stay here. Eventually I would like to settle down here and start a family but it has been so hard.
I still have stuff in Pikeville that I have to get in storage!!! And yes Jade, I promise that I will be there before this month is over.
I know that this is just a rambling, pretty uninteresting post and I apologize. Sometimes if I have alot of stuff on my mind it helps me to see it in black and white. I hope everything has been going well for you guys.
Good Night and God Bless
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
This Was Horrible

Did anyone else watch this last night? Was I just in a bad mood or was everybody (with a few exceptions) just really bad?
The Fab Five- they were great! they already act like a pro group. They got their props and they worked with them. They moved around the stage and they just showed off their dance moves with such grace I enjoyed watching them.
Paradizo Dance- these two are becoming my fast favorite. They are newlyweds and you can tell by how sensual their dance is, and of course its just really cool that his 100 pd girl can lift this 200+ pd guy like he is a feather.
Alizma- NOW they do not take any criticism at all, and they just seem snooty. they have been told repeatedly "do not sing, just play the violin and you will go far in the competition." so what do airheads 1,2 and 3 do? they sing while wearing zebra fedoras and showcasing their best stripper moves. The Hoff couldn't even find anything encouraging to say to them.
The Beale Street Flippers- was boring thats all you can say. They talked about how daring their act was going to be and all they did was some backflips and then a guy jumped over another guy and in the process grabbed a rose(?) off his back. I was bored.
The little girl- cannot sing. I didn't think she did good on the audition. she is just too young she needs a few more years to grow I think.
SQ Entertainment- Better fit for Americas Best Dance Crew. they can dance but its the same tired routine you see from every street group.
sadly out of twelve acts thats all I can remember. It was a sad night was television is all I can say. Well tonight we will see who America voted through. I will be sure to let you know :)
God Bless
Just Wondering?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
It's Been A While....
A catch up- we have been flooded like crazy here! I woke up yesterday and it sounded like a river was going by my front door. Now most of you know that I live in a city and there are no rivers in my apartment complex. Yea, it didn't take me long to do the math either. I slung open the door and there was about 3 inches of water rushing by and it was still pouring the rain, we ended up getting 5 inches in 2 hours. I was blessed with the fact that my apartment was not flooded and John did not get flooded in at work. Alot of landmarks took a beating though, like Churchill Downs. OK no more pessimistic stuff I just wanted to let you all know I was still here, I haven't given the blog up yet haha.

This is the library in Downtown Lousiville. THOUSANDS of books were damaged and all the new computers that were purchased were floating by the end of the day. If you are just laying in bed tonight and cannot think of anything to pray for, please pray for this area, there are alot of families that could use it.
Good Night and God Bless
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Fast Recap To A Slow Day
On a side note SO SO SO SO excited to go home for the weekend!!
God Bless
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
One word
Where is your cell phone? Here
Your significant other? Handsome
Your hair? Curly
Your mother? Nut
Your father? Hero
Your favorite thing? Books
Your dream last night? Weird
Your favorite drink? Water
Your dream/goal? Zoology
What room are you in? Bedroom
Your hobby? Blogging
Your fear? Tag :)
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Florida
Where were you last night? Bed
Something that you aren't? Skanky
Muffins? Nope
Wish list item? Bulldog
Last thing you did? Cardio
What are you wearing? Ball shorts
TV? Please
Your pets? Sam
Friends? Awesome
Your mood? Energetic
Missing someone? Always
Your Car? Rocks
Something hard about your work? No
Kids? Please
Something you're not wearing? Socks
Your favorite store? Borders
Your favorite color? Yellow
When is the last time you cried? Last week
Who will resend this? who knows
Where do you go to over and over? Biltmore Estate
Five people who email me regularly? Jade, Ballard, Gail, Junk,Junk
My favorite place to eat? Brunos (Clermont, FL)
Favorite place I'd like to be at right now? Zoo
Monday, July 27, 2009
At Least It Wasn't The Ice Cream Truck!
Everyone please remember Johnny Cavins in your prayers, he is having some serious surgery as we speak.
God Bless
Sunday, July 26, 2009
On a side note I got to see my older sister today. Mimi and Jeff stopped by and I was so excited because I FINALLY got to show someone where I live. Its not much but I am proud of it. They just left on their way back to Indiana. Love you guys.

Also in case anyone that goes to that church somehow stumbles across this post, I am in no way trying to offend anyone. Everyone likes to worship different. May you all continued to be blessed by the Lord throughout your life.
To everyone else, as always, God Bless.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Better Late Than Never
July 12th made one year since I married this wonderful man:

We went to the zoo and I had a blast! I felt like such a kid before I knew it five hours had passed by! We took pictures but for some reason none of the commputers in the house will recognize the camera software. I will get those up as soon as possible.
On a side note I strongly suggest everyone reading "My Sisters Keeper" by Jodi Picoult. I read it due to the hype because of the movie and was thoroughly surprised by how good it was. I cried the whole night I read it and after I was done I found myself wondering what the characters were doing haha. If you have a free night do yourself a favor and read this book, it will make you think about organ donation in a whole new light.
Good Night and God Bless
Monday, July 20, 2009
Boom Boom Pow

This a purple couch that I just had to take a picture of, if I didn't I was pretty sure that no one would believe me if I tried to tell them about it!
Seriously though I have had alot on my mind. I am thinking very hard about going back to school but I don't want to go until I know exactly what I want because I just do not have the money to waste. My wonderful husband has been talking to me alot about going to school too. I would be lost without him, he believes in me so much. At the risk of sounding stupid I am thinking of going into zoology. I could volunteer at the zoo here if I did do that. I mean I wouldn't get paid but if I went for a paying job it would just be in the gift shop or something like that if I volunteer I can work under a keeper. That would be more experience and more helpful in the long run. If you are reading this and you're thinking "she is just trying to talk to herself into doing this" then you are correct sometimes I can think about stuff better if I see it in writing. sorry you have to sit through it haha
On a personal update we are still looking for a good church here in the area. All of the thats around us just seems so large and I get so intimidated, which I know is the polar opposite feeling you should have about church.
I am not going to bore you with a long post even though I could write for hours. So goodnight and God Bless.

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Anyway theres alot going on around the ol' homestead today. Around 3:30 PM on monday a man went into a company 25 minutes from my apartment and took a woman hostage. Its 5:41 am tuesday and the police are still in a standoff with him. He was just released from prison and the police are not considering him dangerous due to the fact that he has had a weapon this whole time and he has not used it. Thats not meaning he won't they are just allowing the surrounding businesses to get out of lock down status. Also a few post offices in the area have come in contact with anthrax and the post office where I used to live also found a suspicious white powder. Wow a hostage situation and chemical warfare all in one day...I don't know if I can contain the excitement :)
Honestly I have had nothing going on personally. John works almost everyday so I am either taking him to work or picking him up and in between that I am trying to catch up on my sleep because I have developed insomnia HORRIBLY! Any ideas out there on how to conquer that? All suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
On a seperate note, one of our really close friends Mr. Kyle Carter is really sick. He is in the hopsital right now having problems with his liver and pancreas. Please pray for him, he is need of it.
Well I know I am still getting used to this whole blogging thing but I am trying so hard. Please don't give up on me :)
Good Night All and May God Continue To Bless
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Big Mac With A Side Of Creep
God Bless
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Oh and so sorry for the absence of pictures, I broke my camera.
God Bless
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wish List!!
1. A dress you would like to wear:

Like most people I have fallen prey to the maxi dress sensation. I would absolutely love to have one in canary yellow!
2. An interior you would like to live in:

Ok so most everyone know that I ADORE red kitchens and space. This pretty much covers it :)
3. Something you would serve at your next party:

4.A piece of furniture you would really like to have:
This is so modern yet elegant and so completely impractical lol I could never have a white couch with Sam running around, he would destroy it the first time I go somewhere without him!
5.A place you would like to be right now:
I think Ireland is one of the prettiest places in the world. To make what could be a long rambling, I love ALL things Irish, and doesn't this just look so fun to explore!
6.An accesory you would like to wear:
I found this necklace not too long ago and just fell in love with it!
7. A piece of furniture or something for the home that should have never been invented:
8. A home you would like to live in:

I think mediterranean style homes are just gorgeous...who doesn't like arches?
9. Something random you would like to buy:
I am, for lack of better term, a shoe whore. I love them. These are the shoes that Carrie wore in the closing scene of Sex & The City and I want them badly lol all $945 worth of them!!!
10. A way you would like to relax:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My World, My Love, My Dog

Jade has been on my case lately because I haven't been blogging but I don't really know anything to blog about. This weekend John and I are going out of town to visit his brother and I cannot wait. I get along with David SO well, its going to be alot of fun. I will definitely have pictures up of that adventure. I have been sick but Thank the good Lord I am feeling SO SO much better just a little sniffly.
I am sorry its so short but a hear a storm coming on so I am going to lay down and get some good rest. God Bless
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A Late Nite Ramblin

Today has been a day thats for sure! To start things off, I haven't had alot of sleep. Lately I have been having HUGE problems sleeping so I am always a little bit more cranky than I need to be. John had to stay late at work tonight so I went and picked him up and then we were off to sweet right? NOPE! My husband sweetly informs me over dinner that he has applied for a job in Anderson, Indiana and he is the first pick for the job right now...ummm WTF!? So after I got over that shock he also begins to explore options for opening a boxing/MMA gym in our hometown. Ok now I am so confused are we staying? are we going? I honestly have no idea whats going on! Just to give him props I will say that the gym would probably be a good idea because around here there are alot of fight clubs but they all "train" in homemade garage gyms. If we did get a state of the art gym we would make a killing, but I am so not a gym person :)
Just to explain the random picture I attached to this post, my sister is my absolute world. She is my best friend and absolute confidante. Whenever I think of moving I think about how hard it will be not to see her everyday. Also I thought it would make this post so much better if I attached her pretty face and of course if you are anything like me, you had to read until you found out why there was a random girls picture attached. So yes I did it so that you would read what I had to say...Just kidding.
Obviously I have alot going on in my head right now so I think it would be best for me just to retire to my side of the bed and pray about it. God Bless and sleep good.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Complete and Utter Newbie
Just to completely change the subject, I don't know how every other couple out there is but when I see my husband sleep I fall in love with him all over again. Its just the innocent look and the way that he reaches for my side of the bed without even realizing, words cannot even describe how my heart swells. I know that probably seemed kinda out there but I am sitting at my computer at 2:34 am and I happened to look over and my hunnys sweet face. I also happen to see my fish whom I am pretty sure are about to croak due to cloudy water. I'm not a bad caretaker its just a big tank and I haven't exactly figured out how to clean the water without making many backbreaking trips up and down that stairs.
Well I am sure you are tired of listening to me rant, I promise the next one will make more sense and not be all over the place. Hope you all sleep well and God Bless