I'M REAL!! I know it was getting to the point of seeming like I wasn't even a real person cause I NEVER have photos on here, well today I was able to give you a little treat by getting this one posted.
I am not going to insult your intelligence by insinuating that I am a wise person, but I do have a wise piece of advice to pass along. I know that you probably get tired of hearing this people but smile. I am not by any means trying to push that "smile and the world smiles with you" crap because thats what it is, crap. Just because you smile the whole world is not going to be peachy keen, there have been plenty of times that I have smiled at people who have in turn just cussed me out. If they are smiling along with me then they have an odd smile. I don't walk around grumpy but I do save my best smiles for the people that I know its going to help. I see people who look like they have had a hard time, for example:
Smile at the mothers who are struggling to find the quarter to buy their child some candy.
Smile at the old man who makes himself get out of bed everyday to go to the mall just so that he has something to do.
Do you see that woman or child with bruises?
Smile, just smile so hard your cheeks hurt. I cannot emphasize how much the fact that you acknowledged them will mean. As humans beings we forget a lot of the time the power we actually have, I mean we have the ability to change someones day for the better or worse. Why in the world aren't we changing more peoples day for the better? You have so much more power than you will ever recognize and I wish I had the ability to make you realize how special each and everyone of you are.
We are getting really close to holiday season. I just ask that when you see someone that you would normally walk by and ignore please just say smile, say hi. That would be the best gift ever.
Give the gift of acknowledgment.
Sorry for rambling
Good night and may God continue to bless.
I agree..I also forget sometimes that something as simple as a smile can help someone. Today, because of this blog I am going to smile more and watch the ppl around me! I LOVE YOU!