A catch up- we have been flooded like crazy here! I woke up yesterday and it sounded like a river was going by my front door. Now most of you know that I live in a city and there are no rivers in my apartment complex. Yea, it didn't take me long to do the math either. I slung open the door and there was about 3 inches of water rushing by and it was still pouring the rain, we ended up getting 5 inches in 2 hours. I was blessed with the fact that my apartment was not flooded and John did not get flooded in at work. Alot of landmarks took a beating though, like Churchill Downs. OK no more pessimistic stuff I just wanted to let you all know I was still here, I haven't given the blog up yet haha.

This is the library in Downtown Lousiville. THOUSANDS of books were damaged and all the new computers that were purchased were floating by the end of the day. If you are just laying in bed tonight and cannot think of anything to pray for, please pray for this area, there are alot of families that could use it.
Good Night and God Bless
I am so glad that you wasn't directly affected by the flood waters and I will continue to pray for the ppl that was! I love you ...and thank goodness for the cure of the medical emergency! Love you lots!