Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My World, My Love, My Dog

That black blob up there...yea he has my heart. I have never loved a dog the way I love Sam. Friday, well I guess you could call it Saturday cause it was around midnight, I was browsing my myspace and I see a bulletin for a free yorkie poo. I just simply reply to ask if the dog in question was a barker. After talking with his owner for about 45 minutes I ended up getting this sweet little treasure Saturday.

Jade has been on my case lately because I haven't been blogging but I don't really know anything to blog about. This weekend John and I are going out of town to visit his brother and I cannot wait. I get along with David SO well, its going to be alot of fun. I will definitely have pictures up of that adventure. I have been sick but Thank the good Lord I am feeling SO SO much better just a little sniffly.

I am sorry its so short but a hear a storm coming on so I am going to lay down and get some good rest. God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Sammie is so cute and he loves his aunt Jade! haha!
