Sunday, June 28, 2009

Big Mac With A Side Of Creep

Last night was to say the least a very eventful night. I was at home with everybody when I think Anthony decided he was hungry. Jade runs upstairs and informed me that they were going to McDonalds and asked if I wanted to go. Now I am not the type of girl that turns down a trip to McDonalds so of course I hastily agreed. It ended up being Jade, Brittany, Anthony and me that went. This part may not seem important but for the story to be correctly visualized you must know where we were all sitting in the vehicle. Jade drove and Britt was in the back right behind her which leaves Anthony in the passenger side front seat and me behind him. So we all happily drive off to McDonalds at 3:00am, when we pull in we began to talk about the van in front of us. Jade made the telltale remark "Look at the kidnapper van. I guess they are buying the kids a happy meal to keep them quiet" she then trailed off into a mocking style of talking and while none of us could really understand her it ended with "....and I will take you home tomorrow" then a loud laugh. Well of course that got our imaginations running wild. We are still waiting forever to place our order when we notice a crack in the back window of the van, Jade once again goes off on a tangent (with some assistance from Anthony) about how the kid, that was locked up in the van at that very moment awaiting the happy meal, had busted the window while being abducted. We giggled about that for awhile and then once again Jade (is anyone noticing a pattern here) screams, while her window is down, the license plate number LOUDLY and says"everyone remember that we are going to need it tomorrow!" At this point in time Chester Molester stops ordering mid sentence and slowly turns his head to look at us. Just imagine this weird guy in a beanie with greasy strings of hair sticking out and a leather jacket (um what season is it again duh) slowly rotating his head until he meets you full on with the death glare. At this point in time we are all screaming and trying to get our windows and doors locked simultaneously. Shew...safely resting in the car we watch as CM runs OVER the sidewalk and almost knocks his mirror off trying to pull around the drive thru. While ordering Brittany makes the wonderful discovery that there is an older lady in the van with CM, she was officially dubbed the Helper. Now CM and Helper were also officially dubbed DRUNK as they tried their hardest to get through the drive thru. One close call with the mirror and three more harrowing stares they finally got their food and were on their way. I may not be the best story teller but I hope that you all can use your imaginations and envision this scene. I know this post was long but believe me it was seriously some of the funniest stuff I had seen in awhile. Oh and if anyone hears about a recently abduction let me know cause I have a License plate number that will forever be drilled into my brain.

God Bless

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Wow, so much has changed in these last few weeks and of course I have been a horrible blogger and haven't been posting. First of all I moved four hours away (Miss you Jade!!!!) and we now live with Johns brother David. I am still not used to everything down here, I moved from two lane roads to six lanes (OMG)!!!! Can you say stress LOL! John finally got a job interview, its tomorrow at 3, please say a little prayer for us. We really are trying very hard to make a life here its just been hard getting a job. I thank everyone that has been praying for us, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you, and I promise I am going to start blogging more regularly.

Oh and so sorry for the absence of pictures, I broke my camera.

God Bless

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wish List!!

Without further ado...

1. A dress you would like to wear:

Like most people I have fallen prey to the maxi dress sensation. I would absolutely love to have one in canary yellow!

2. An interior you would like to live in:

Ok so most everyone know that I ADORE red kitchens and space. This pretty much covers it :)

3. Something you would serve at your next party:

I LOVE Italian food. Therefore I will force it on others whenever I have the chance LOL.This is the perfect party food to me.

4.A piece of furniture you would really like to have:

This is so modern yet elegant and so completely impractical lol I could never have a white couch with Sam running around, he would destroy it the first time I go somewhere without him!

5.A place you would like to be right now:

I think Ireland is one of the prettiest places in the world. To make what could be a long rambling, I love ALL things Irish, and doesn't this just look so fun to explore!

6.An accesory you would like to wear:

I found this necklace not too long ago and just fell in love with it!

7. A piece of furniture or something for the home that should have never been invented:


8. A home you would like to live in:

I think mediterranean style homes are just gorgeous...who doesn't like arches?

9. Something random you would like to buy:

I am, for lack of better term, a shoe whore. I love them. These are the shoes that Carrie wore in the closing scene of Sex & The City and I want them badly lol all $945 worth of them!!!

10. A way you would like to relax:

I love to read and I have been wanting this book for awhile, everyone says it is so good.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My World, My Love, My Dog

That black blob up there...yea he has my heart. I have never loved a dog the way I love Sam. Friday, well I guess you could call it Saturday cause it was around midnight, I was browsing my myspace and I see a bulletin for a free yorkie poo. I just simply reply to ask if the dog in question was a barker. After talking with his owner for about 45 minutes I ended up getting this sweet little treasure Saturday.

Jade has been on my case lately because I haven't been blogging but I don't really know anything to blog about. This weekend John and I are going out of town to visit his brother and I cannot wait. I get along with David SO well, its going to be alot of fun. I will definitely have pictures up of that adventure. I have been sick but Thank the good Lord I am feeling SO SO much better just a little sniffly.

I am sorry its so short but a hear a storm coming on so I am going to lay down and get some good rest. God Bless