Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I'm BAAAAAAAAAACK! I can't believe it has been so long since I posted. I have so much to catch up on I don't even know where to start. For one, I don't think anyone but Jade reads this but just in case, yes we are still in Louisville. John has a wonderful job and I can't wait to see him achieve all of his goals. Also in about a month.....

We will be welcoming this beautiful little girl to our home. We can't wait to meet you Lily Danielle.

Obviously alot has been going on and there are still quite a few things on my mind but thats for another time. I have a healthy husband, a healthy baby and its another day that I can wake up and say Thank You Lord, I don't have anything to complain about.

God Bless

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Just A Thought

I am amazed by kids, a simple statement for a simple reason. Kids believe. They believe that moms kisses and dads hugs can make everything better, they believe that if they wait up long enough they will catch a glimpse of Santa and they believe in people. Kids are not wary of people, you will never see a child shy away from someone, in all of their innocence they will open their hearts to anyone. We as people grow into our hardened hearts that we have today and we don’t even realize when it happens. It sickens me that when I see someone less fortunate that my first instinct is not “what can I do to help?” but to avoid eye contact and carry on my way. When did it become a burden to help someone less fortunate? I am waiting for that day to come when helping the less fortunate happens because it is the Christian thing to do and not just because it’s a tax write off. I am in no means trying to push the fact that I am perfect and my every waking hour is spent helping people because its not. I am only a human therefore I do make mistakes and selfishness is one of them but I AM human and I have the ability to correct my mistakes and that is exactly what I plan to do this Holiday Season. So the next time you walk by someone and you get the urge to avert your eyes, smile at them and say hi, or the next time you buy lunch, get an extra sandwich just in case you see someone that may need it. This Christmas I urge you to revert back to your childhood and believe in the goodness of God’s people. I pray you all have a blessed day.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Can You Help?


If you find yourself with a free moment in your day, please lift your hearts and voices up in prayer for this family.

God Bless and Good Night


I'M REAL!! I know it was getting to the point of seeming like I wasn't even a real person cause I NEVER have photos on here, well today I was able to give you a little treat by getting this one posted.

I am not going to insult your intelligence by insinuating that I am a wise person, but I do have a wise piece of advice to pass along. I know that you probably get tired of hearing this people but smile. I am not by any means trying to push that "smile and the world smiles with you" crap because thats what it is, crap. Just because you smile the whole world is not going to be peachy keen, there have been plenty of times that I have smiled at people who have in turn just cussed me out. If they are smiling along with me then they have an odd smile. I don't walk around grumpy but I do save my best smiles for the people that I know its going to help. I see people who look like they have had a hard time, for example:

Smile at the mothers who are struggling to find the quarter to buy their child some candy.

Smile at the old man who makes himself get out of bed everyday to go to the mall just so that he has something to do.

Do you see that woman or child with bruises?

Smile, just smile so hard your cheeks hurt. I cannot emphasize how much the fact that you acknowledged them will mean. As humans beings we forget a lot of the time the power we actually have, I mean we have the ability to change someones day for the better or worse. Why in the world aren't we changing more peoples day for the better? You have so much more power than you will ever recognize and I wish I had the ability to make you realize how special each and everyone of you are.

We are getting really close to holiday season. I just ask that when you see someone that you would normally walk by and ignore please just say smile, say hi. That would be the best gift ever.

Give the gift of acknowledgment.

Sorry for rambling

Good night and may God continue to bless.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Like They Were The Only Ones There

When you change your outlook to life, its amazing the kind of things you see. My husband works at a mall and most of the time he works until closing which leaves me sitting in the mall parking lot watching all the people while I wait on him to come out. Last night as I sat in the car waiting and the rain pouring down, there were about twenty people in front of the mall waiting for the bus, but there two that caught my eye. There was young man who looked to be about twenty years old and just by looking at him, in my mind I had already deducted that he was a thug or drug dealer just by the way he was dressed. Beside him was, obviously, his little brother who was mentally handicapped. I watched at they joined the group of people waiting for the bus and the little boy was growing increasingly agitated and restless having to stand still for so long. Noticing this the young man looked around and then gently tapped his little brothers arm and took off running. Noticing his brothers boredom he started an impromptu game of tag and they ran and played in the rain for at least fifteen minutes. No one laughed at them, no one whispered and pointed fingers, everyone smiled at the blessing they were seeing play out in front of them. I personally sat in my car with tears running down my face as I thanked God for showing me another lesson, the age old "Don't judge based on looks" Finally John came out and got in the car and we headed home and as we left I looked in the rear view mirror and they were still out there playing, like they were the only ones there.

God Bless

Friday, October 9, 2009


I recently happened upon a website called www.givesmehope.com and I have never cried so hard in my life. I will be the first to admit that I have a hardened heart when it comes to the human race. When people do something nice I don't see it as a kind gesture, I see them as being nice because they want something in return. I did not believe that people could just be nice. I read the stories on that site and I saw the works of genuine compassion and I believe that I was directed to that website for a reason.

I want to be someone that sees someone in need and wants to help them instead of thinking, "oh if I buy that man food he is just going to be insulted."

I want to be that person that is able to open my heart to what the Lord is saying instead of slamming it shut scared.

I want to be that person that I feel like I used to be.

I want to be a good christian and an example to all around me.

So I am going to change my outlook.

When you see me I will smile, I hope you smile back.

If there is anything I can do to help someone I will do it.

I am going to stop being so selfish, I need to remember that God will always provide.

I am trying and thats all I can do.

God Bless and good night

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Real Smorgasbord

I mean really what didn't this weekend have? There were hotdogs stuffed with cheese, gator haters, waitress that hinted for an invite to a party that wasn't happening,sausage balls, and of course there were applebees! All in all it was a pretty good weekend. I saw my best friend, and of course he had Jade with him....JUST KIDDING JADE! But next time seriously we are going to the zoo.